Winter Storm Warner and Westfields Roads

Weather Advisory and Winter Road Information for Westfields

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.   Nothing like starting off the new year with snow!  A winter weather storm is underway bringing ice and measurable snow to the area.  The WBOA is monitoring the storm and will take appropriate actions.  Just a quick note regarding roads in Westfields.   

The WBOA will engage our contractor to treat roads and clear snow as required for the areas that the WBOA has responsibility. As the majority of the roads in Westfields are maintained by the State of Virginia (VDOT), please call VDOT should you have issues with the roads in front of your buildings.  The WBOA will certainly be monitoring the roads and will also notify VDOT of issues pertaining to the clearing and de-icing within the park.   

VDOT’s number for Snow Removal Issues: (1-800-367-7623)

*Note:  Shared roadways between properties are the responsibility of the owner(s).

There is also an online tool provided by VDOT to see the status of the roads and snow plowing efforts during snowstorms.  You may access this website at:

Additional Information on how VDOT prioritizes road clearing and treatment during a storm can be found at:

You may also reference the WBOA website for updates and alerts as well during major weather or critical events for updates.  Look for the scrolling alert bar near the top of the website. The website is located at

Be Safe and Stay Warm!

Thank you!

WBOA Office

Office & Emergency Phone #: 703-294-4912